什么是Compare & Contrast essay?对比作文需要包含什么内容?

什么是Compare & Contrast essay?对比作文需要包含什么内容?

“比较与对比论文”类型的论文是我们经常见到的写作类型,其本质是对两种或两种以上事物、情形或过程的分析,它的主要特点是对两种事物之间不可缺少的相同点和不同点的论述。望文生义, Compare (比较)指论文中探讨的事物寻找同一点的过程,而 Contrast (对比)指的是寻找事物不同点的过程。留学生们经常会遇到的一个作业类型,所以掌握此作业类型的技巧非常的重要。今天小编整理了Compare and Contrast essay的写作技巧,希望能够帮到大家。

Compare and Contrast Essay定义

Compare and Contrast essay,也就是“比较与对比论文”,是对两种或两种以上事物、情形或过程的分析,它的主要特点是对两种事物之间不可缺少的相同点和不同点的论述。望文生义, Compare (比较)指论文中探讨的事物寻找同一点的过程,而 Contrast (对比)指的是寻找事物不同点的过程。


教师设计“Compare and contrast essay”的目的,并不是为了让学生陈述明显的事实。事实上,比较和对比论文往往会显示出两种事物之间的细微差别或我们没有想到的相似点。比方说,如果要进行对比,学生就不能选择苹果和橘子,因为它们之间的差别非常明显。最好的两种苹果,如适合爱酸朋友的甘肃黄元帅和云南甜野苹果。这两个品种的对比的阐述为喜欢吃苹果的读者提供了一些新的知识,并让他们决定吃哪个。
这类作文可以培养学生观察、分析、组织的能力,让同学们通过比较、对比的方式来阐释某一观点。笔者个人认为, Compare and Contrast essay的海外英文论文代写是最简单的。这是因为 essay主题中已经隐含了论文框架,一旦看到这个主题,就知道该怎么做了。

Compare and Contrast essay的框架结构

对于两件事的比较与对比,英文论文代写者建议用以下三种方法来对 essay代写:
1)subject by subject,也就是,我们可以先讨论第一种事物的特征,然后在第二种事物中找到与前者相似或不同的地方。基本情况如下:
开头: It’s better to live on campus than with parents during college times.

1. 情况1: live on campus
-情况1对比比较点1: advantages (less control, rich social life);
-情况1对比比较点2: disadvantages (missing family, accommodation fees);
2. 情况2: live with parents
– 情况2对比比较点1: advantages (parents can help with chores, e.g. laundry and cooking; privacy of your own room);
– 情况2对比比较点2:  disadvantages (fall out of campus life).

2)Point by point,也就是,文章的每一段只以对比的比较点来探讨两件事:
开头: It’s better to live on campus than with parents during college times.

1. 对比比较点1: parents’ control
– 情况1(living on campus)You live independently, don’t have as much control;
– 情况2 (living with parents) Parents can help you with everyday routine and chores.
2. 对比比较点2: social life
– 情况1(living on campus)Meeting new people all the time;
– 情况2 (living with parents) We can have more privacy while still going out with friends when we want to.

3) Compare then contrast, 也就是先展开两个事物的相似点,然后再去探讨它们的区别。
开头: It’s better to live on campus than with parents during college times.
1. 情况1和情况2的相似点
– you can always get help from roommates or your family;
– you still see your college friends during classes;
– if you’re active, you’ll participate in campus life regardless of where you live.
2. 情况1和情况2的不同点
– housework is entirely on your shoulders if you live on campus;
– you don’t have as much privacy as you had living at home;
– commute troubles getting to classes from home;
– accommodation fee if living on campus.


Compare and contrast essay参考题目
• American English vs. British English: Major Differences.
• Fascism and Nazism: Different or the Same?
• Luxury way of life against poor living.
• Working in Office or Being a Freelancer?
• Homework assignments & in-class work.
• Is paid education (private colleges) more effective than free (public schools)?
• Harry Potter: book & movie.
• Do tomatoes belong to fruits or berries?
• Communism and liberalism: comparing.
• Democracy & dictatorship: which one is better in a particular situation?
• Paintings or photos.
• Listening to audiobooks or reading: what is more effective?

总之而言,Compare and contrast essay对这两种事物之间的差异和相似性进行相关分析,并提出相关论题。这类作文没有严格的写作要求,同学们可以根据个人习惯来写。首先要记住的是, Compare和 contrast essay必须具有对比性,也可以有两者。选题目时最好不要选择几种明显不同或明显相似的事物或情形。与一些著名的事实清单相比,这种突如其来的细微差别给人留下的印象更深,更能体现优秀论文的水平。

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